Le sas, science-art-society group - Primary Intimacy of being

Primary Intimacy of being

Mirrors augmented with X rays, nuclear imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging with sensors, gender recognition, computers and 75" screens. Triptych in lacquered glass and oak wood.

A mirror reflects a human being, a woman, a man, as probed by X-rays, established by positron emission tomography or revealed by magnetic resonance imaging. It is the image in depth, three unique avatars of the viewers. These are their images augmented by medical imaging. As the persons standing in front of the mirror move toward or away from it, they move into or out of the body through CT, PET or MRI. In Primary Intimacy of being, the viewers alone discover a morphological or metabolic intimacy that was previously hidden from them: that of the density of matter that supports and holds them, that of the energy that drives them deep inside, or that of the water that constitutes them.


[Concept] Ikse Maître
[Real time 3D graphics] Matthieu Courgeon
[3D avatars] Marion Tardieu, Bruno Freyssinet and Serge Desarnaud
[Motion and gender sensing] Tom Giraud, Michèle Gouiffès and Alexandra Roatis
[Electroacoustics] Michel Bertier

[Gender recognition] Christian Kueblbeck and Andreas Ernst, Face detection and tracking in video sequences using the modified census transformation, Journal on Image and Vision Computing 24(6), 564-572, 2006, ISSN 0262-8856 www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/bf/bsy/fue/isyst

Première Intimité de l’être is a digital artwork created by des Vues de l’esprit ; an opening of Le sas, science-art-society group ; was produced by La métonymie, in partnership with the IR4M, the LIMSI, the IEF, the LRI, the SHFJ, the Département Arts-Musique of the Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne, the CNRS and the Université Paris-Sud, with the participation of the DICRéAM Ministère de la culture et de la communication, CNC, CNL.

Creation: La Vie en transparence, Musée des arts et métiers, Paris, France – May 2, 2012-January 6, 2013.

Related works: Scan me – if you canRadiant shadowsTout passeTout un monde


Premiere Intimite de l'être - des Vues de l'esprit - 2014 - Le Pass, Mons, Belgique
Premiere Intimite de l'être - des Vues de l'esprit - 2014 - Le Pass, Mons, Belgique
Premiere Intimite de l'être - Stéphanie Sphyras - 2016 - Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, France

Première Intimité de l'être - Le Pass, Mons, Belgique                                           
© 2014 des Vues de l’esprit
Première Intimité de l'être - Le Pass, Mons, Belgique
© 2014 des Vues de l’esprit
Première Intimité de l'être - Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France
© 2016 Stéphanie Sphyras






Le sas